Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Some Kidney Health Advice

In this past year I have suffered some kidney infections and urinary track infections that have lead me to be hospitalized. Two conditions in which are irritating and worse painful! Lately I feel tired and sluggish which were symptoms I had suffered in the beginning of this painful phase of my health. I have done some research on kidney health and found some good supplements from Whole Foods.

I ran into a gentlemen that was a nutritionist working at Whole Foods. He was very knowledgeable and surprisingly very eager in helping me. He has said that for years he has suffered from the same conditions UTIs and all he suggested a kidney and bladder supplement along with a dandelion root vitamin, which was shocking. How can dandelion do anything to help your kidney? but apparently it will clean the lining of your kidney and bladder expelling all the bad bacteria. So I'm going to give it a try because I don't want to go through that excruciating pain again. There was a more expensive UTI pill you can take but I'm going to work with what I got first and if I'm not getting any good results I will have to try it.

Also there is a kidney detox kit that you can do but it's 95$ I think it would be worth that much money if you had kidney stones that need passing but I'm not sure I'm that far along with my kidney problems to go through a miserable detox. Below is the information from energy

Winter - Adrenal/Kidney/Bladder Cleanse:
Kidneys are the filter to the body and can build toxic waste and become fossilized. Juices, tea and herbs utilized, critical to maintaining weight and protecting heart and liver.
Why This Detox?
• Do you have the urgency to urinate but little comes out?
• Do you have acne around your mouth, chin, and jaw?
• Do you have back pain?
• Do you have white strips on your nails?
• Do you have thumb ridges?
The Winter is time for Cleansing the Kidneys, Bladder and Adrenals
The kidneys are designed to filter acids and minerals out of the blood, but often get overloaded with a buildup of mineral gravel, stones, acid crystals and mineral plaque due to .toxic wastes. in the body (which is a leading cause of cancer). This sediment occurs from pounds of old fecal matter being reabsorbed into the blood stream, chemicals, insecticides, and preservatives which can build up over the years and not only turn your kidneys into rocks-but .petrified. rocks no less. This process can take over your whole kidney structure thus becoming fossilized. Popular, .acid. forming, high protein diets often help take off the weight but also can promote rapid fossilization of this organ. The time to start the powerful Kidney/Bladder/Adrenal Flush is NOW!!!
Please note that the same acid, calcium, and plaque that forms in the kidneys also lines the coronary and cerebral arteries (along with cholesterol) which causes heart attacks and strokes.
A Few Challenges Related to Kidney/Bladder/Adrenal Weakness:
• Diabetes
• Chronic Dry Tongue
• An inherited inability to absorb calcium properly or to excrete too much oxalic acid
• Dehydration
• Allergies and food sensitivities
• Obesity
• Inactivity
• A magnesium and potassium deficiency

I have all these symptoms of acne only on the chin and nails beds so as a last resort I will definatly invest in the detox. I'll keep an update on how I'm feeling but I pray that it will be better than this lethargic exhausted body I have right now!