Sunday, May 31, 2009

Back in Alignment!

Yoga can be a wonderful healing practice for a variety of back ailments, including scoliosis. Not only will it eliminate some of the pain, over time it can start to gently reverse some of the misalignment associated with the condition.

Often with scoliosis, the spine is not only misaligned from side to side, but also the head can sit forward, one shoulder can be higher, and a hip can be more forward and raised. All these symptoms can be improved by doing poses that lengthen the spine, such as Standing Forward Fold. Try this simple variation on the classic forward bend:

Stand with your feet at hip distance with the outside edges of your feet (the pinky-toe sides) parallel to each other. Place your hands on your hips and bend your knees. Fold forward slowly until your head points toward the floor. Keep the knees soft enough that your stomach rests on your thighs (even if your hamstrings are very loose). Now release your arms over your head. Bend your elbows and hold on to your opposite elbow, letting the weight of your arms deepen the release on your spine. Stay for at least five to ten breaths, then release your elbows and roll up slowly, stacking your joints. -YJ